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Dear world,
Hi, it’s me, Britt. Back in 2008 when I started my business in a tiny art studio, I named it Portland Garment Factory because I had big aspirations for what this company could become. Even in those early days I knew that I would always hold PGF to the highest standards. In addition to producing quality work, this meant always paying employees a competitive wage, even when I couldn't pay myself. It meant finding new ways to reuse materials and cut down on waste, even when there were easier ways to work. It meant creating deep, meaningful relationships with the community. Over the past 10 years these ideals never wavered, in fact, they've blossomed beyond my wildest dreams. So, it is with extreme joy that I get to tell you this: Portland Garment Factory is now a Certified B Corporation®!

Some of you may be wondering, “What’s a B Corporation?!” Certified B Corporations are leaders of the global movement of people using business as a force for good.™ PGF has gone through a rigorous vetting process to ensure that we are held to the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. We’re so proud to join this community of like-minded business leaders like: Patagonia, Dr. Bronner’s, EILEEN FISHER, Seventh Generation and local Portland heroes: Scout Books, New Seasons Market, Living Room Realty, and A to Z Wineworks (just to name a few!).

PGF's road to B Corp Certification has been challenging and extremely rewarding. We’ve spent over three years working towards this important goal. Throughout this intense process PGF has grown and evolved, but we’re only getting started. We will continue to improve our practices to live out the B Corp vow of excellence and transparency.

And you know what’s really crazy? Garment manufacturers make up less than 1% of Certified B Corporations. We’re never afraid to lead the way—just like we’ve said since 2008, when it comes to this biz, ANYTHING GOES!

One more thing! Please join us for PGF's 11th bday/B Corp coming out party on September 20th!! Open house style—stop by any time between 2–8pm to say hello, learn about B Corps, tour the factory (tours @ 3pm, 5pm & 7pm), & sip some bubbly!

Yours truly, 

Britt Howard

Portland Garment Factory