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Design Week Portland & Struktur Event / That's a Wrap!

Last week, Design Week Portland and Struktur Event brought out designers, creatives, and makers from across the country to our fair city. PGF was involved in four DWP events, and a workshop at Struktur Event. We shared, we listened, we learned and then we crashed for the weekend! Check out a few of Britt's favorites from the whirlwind week! 

My favorite moment: Meeting my new besties at the Gray Magazine Design & Activism panel: Mark Busse of HCMA Architecture + Design in Vancouver, B.C., and Kevin Cavanaugh from Guerrilla Development here in Portland. Seriously, these guys are my new BFFs! Oh and hey, the two images above are from the Gray Magazine panel. 

Craziest thing I learned: I was so excited to be on the "Let's Talk Transparency" panel organized by the Portland Material Transparency Collaborative. Experts from across various industries talked about the stuff that makes up our food, buildings, furniture, and clothing. Chemist Amelia Nestler from Northwest Green Chemistry totally blew my mind when she talked about the real story behind BPA-free products (plastic water bottles, baby bottles, etc). The disturbing news is that BPA has been replaced by another chemical called bisphenol-S, otherwise known as BPS, which appears to be just as harmful to humans as BPA. Read more about this alarming fact HERE in Scientific American. 

My two favorite Instagrams to follow during DWP: @katebingburt@laptopsandsmalltalk